Tuesday, June 28, 2011

End of the Season

Cadence has finished her ball hockey sessions. I am soooooo proud!
My dress wearing princess outlasted ALL of the other girls in this male dominated sport ... Go Cadence!

Enjoying a celebratory breakfast at the home of the golden arches:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Didn't Know Whether to Laugh ... or CRY!!!

Conversations with Cadence...

I picked Cadence up from school today and noticed her lovely little white sweater was filthy!
Me: Cadence, what happened to your sweater?
Cadence: I actually dropped it in the mud.

Yeah ... no kidding!

Last weekend Cadence was giving me a poolside massage ... in the back upper thigh area.
Cadence: Wow! Mom ... you sure have a lot of designs back here!

I have no words ......

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dad's Days

Last week held two special days for Sean: his birthday AND Father's Day.
On Tuesday morning, Cadence could hardly contain herself. The moment her eyes opened she set off to get daddy's present from her special hiding spot. I'm impressed that she was actually able to keep his 'prize' a secret for 3 days. We are hoping to make Sean a 'MacDaddy':

Sean had an early ball game so we scarfed down a meager dinner and had a quick song complete with a cupcake and candle. Sean opted for the keylime cheesecake, making his daughter quite happy and green! In honour of his day, his two girls cheered him on from the bleachers (no photos!).

On Saturday, we went to one of our favourite dining spots for our annual birthday/father's day dinner. Beforehand there were cocktails and some photo ops (notice mommy finally got her mother's day present ... I finally found something that I liked!):

On Sunday, we all got some enjoyment in the pool and daddy got to enjoy his favourite 4 o'clock beverage. He cooked us his favourite dinner and we bought his favourite dessert and added our own touch.

We love you VERY much daddy and appreciate all the things that you do for us! You definitely deserved a week in your honor!!!

K ... the week's over now ... LOL!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Doing Laps!

This is almost the first time Cadence did full laps in the pool ... without water wings!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

School BBQ

Cadence's school (and mine!) held their annual 'Fun Fair' in the yard.
She was VERY excited to go:

Posing for a famly photo proved to be difficult ... Cadence couldn't get her mind off the "moose" ... she has a thing about mascots:

She hooked up with her reading buddy for a bit:

She even tried her hand at a few of the games:

After grabbing a bite to eat, checking out all the action and listening to the school band, we HAD to hang at the playground:

If my memory serves me right, getting to sleep was a breeze that night!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This and That

I know my blogging skills have been lacking lately ... I'll rectify that soon! In the meantime, here are some photos to keep some of you (particularly you Baba) happy.





Monday, June 6, 2011

"Freaked Out"

Today's conversation at dinner went something like this:

Sean: Cadence, Amy from my school saw you at the pool store on Friday.
Cadence: She did? Was she in the car or in the store?
Sean: She was getting into her car.
Me: Oh, Cadence one of my students said he saw you in the petting zoo at the festival.
Cadence: Okay, you're freaking me out now!
Why are all of these different people seeing me?

She's a hoot!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tool and Play Time


Cadence had a little problem:

Not to worry ... daddy had just the right tool!

Getting the job done:

And now ... what's the verdict?

Pictures speak louder than words:


It was a relief to get some decent weather ... finally! Getting out is good for all of us. Keep it coming!