Sunday, April 26, 2009

The BAD!!!

Today was Cadence's first official full blown tantrum! She wanted gum and I was NOT giving in! This is a clip of what we endured for anywhere from 20 - 30 minutes. As for who 'won' ... that is yet to be decided ... perhaps you can help. She didn't get the gum, but she did get out of the naughty spot ... she puked! Yep ... we're doomed!


Jan said...

We visited the good!! Now for the bad....Oh goodness....Poor Mommy! Sorry we don't know how to help. That's what is still ahead of us. Although we ARE starting to get "I want it"!! Hmmm. I wonder if Miss Cadence won by default when the poor dear puked??!! I guess we're doomed too!! LOL!! Well it's onto the ugly....

Kim said...

sorry mommy...
They all do that..
If you ignore her she might
Got to love it..

Teresa said...

Has Cadence EVER had gum? Why does she want it so much? Maya doesn't know what it is yet and Grandma has strict orders NOT to give Maya guma until she's five!!!

Doesn't it drive you crazy when they just keep repeating themselves over and over to try to get what they want? Maya has not had this type of tantrum yet either... soon I suppose.