Thursday, November 30, 2006

CCAA Update

The CCAA has updated their site this morning ... files that were logged in before Sept. 9,2005 have been matched. Congratulations to all those families who will be receiving photos of their new additions in the next couple of days!!!
What does this mean for us? Well, based on the Rumour Queen's analysis, my new best friend, it is quite possible that
almost all the rest of September will get their referrals at the end of December. It will take at least 2 months to get
through all of October and then ... we are up next ... hopefully! My best estimate is that we will recieve a referral in
March or April. There you have it ... I have faced the reality that things are NOT going to speed up. In the grand
scheme of things ... we have waited almost 10 years ... what's another 4-6 months??!! Let's just hope there aren't
anymore slow downs .... PLEASE!!!!

1 comment:

M and M said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for a speed up NOT a slow down!!! At least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am still trying to find the tunnel!!

Came across your blog from the CB chat post you did!!