Friday, January 18, 2008

Fourteen Months

My baby turned 14 months old today ... how time flies!  She is running ... literally ALL over the place and having a ball!  We are currently in 3 organized activities ... Mom and Tot Swimming 2, Busy Bees and Sneaker Snappers.  I was hoping these would keep Miss 'I don't Need No Sleep' so busy that she would pass out from exhaustion at the end of the days ... NOPE!!!!  No such luck!
I could spend my time lamenting on the sleeping, or lack thereof I should say, but instead let's celebrate ALL the amazing things my little girl can do!!!!  She understands EVERYTHING I say ... without a doubt.  She makes the elephant noise (not an easy one to do my friends) and will do it each time she sees a picture in a book or on the tv ... does the same thing with a dog!  She has a Learning Leaps video game and by god, when the narrator says, "press a button" she does it right on cue!  She will sit with books and turn the pages and point to the words mumbling as if she is reading.  She has also built up quite an eclectic vocabulary ... now I must admit that she has her own way of saying some of these words, but here's the list nonetheless:  momma, dada, stop, up, down, cheers, ball, juice, hi, yeah, baba, backpack, Diego, house ... I think that about covers it!  She is a clever little soul I tell you!  We are quickly learning that we need to be more careful of our own actions as she imitates our behaviours ... for example ... the word 'stop' is accompanied by her putting her hand out and directing it at poor Winston.  Yes, we have had to get a little firm with him and now his sister thinks she can too!  Oh, boy do they pick up things quick!  She is using her fork with a fair bit of independence and trying to manage a spoon ... it will come in time ... until then, I don't think we'll be eating out for a while!
Oh, I could probably go on and on and on ... but I really would like to catch and hour or two of sleep this evening so .... I'll leave you with this and call it a night!  Sweet dreams y'all ... have one for me ... I won't have time!


Anonymous said...

Happy 14 month birthday!

my3 kids said...

Happy 14 months Cadence. It sounds like you are having a blast and learning so much each day.

PennyWolfe said...

Let me know if you figure a way to tire her out. I could use that here too! Happy 14 months. You sound like you're doing lots and keeping Mommy very busy!!!