Saturday, December 27, 2008

You've Heard of a Horseshoe ....

This is a pre-Christmas story ...

The day before Christmas Eve, we had the car packed and ready to go ... just had to get Cadence 'suited up' and buckle her in.
As I began dressing her, she announced that her bum hurt. Great!!!! I envisioned spending Christmas Eve at a clinic for a bladder infection or something. As I put her in the carseat she once again shared that her bum hurt. Oh well. Three hours later we arrived at our destination. I pulled Cadence out of the car and carried her into the house ... guess what? ... her bum still hurt. I decided I needed to take a look so, I pulled off her pants and her diaper, laid her on the floor and had a good look. Low and behold, I actually saw a little something peeking out at me ... just the tips so .... I pulled. Here's the source of the problem ....

Yep ... her bum hurt!~

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