Monday, December 1, 2008

The Halls are Decked!

It took a village, but we got it done! Believe me when I say it is no small feat ... and I was keen to just put 4 of the 6 sections up again this year. I have to admit, I'm glad Dave was keener to see it in all it's glory because to tell the truth ... it looks pretty amazing! And to see Cadence's excitement was just the star on the top!!!! I truly wish I had captured her in action.
I set out to capture each addition, but quickly got too caught up in the action ... maybe next year!
Check it out:

It was a nice afternoon/evening all around. The girls enjoyed getting playdough into EVERY fibre of the carpet downstairs, the other 'girls' enjoyed the first rum and nog of the season, the boys did the 'man' stuff and we all enjoyed a great dinner. After bath and video, our girls were all set to crash ... ours did ... YAY!!!!!
Thanks again, Unckie Dave!!!!!


Jill said...

I think the first pic might say it all! LOL!!

Unknown said...

OH gosh, looks like you had fun!!!

Gina (Caleeo) said...

wow - that is a beautiful tree! Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time!