Friday, February 20, 2009

Family Weekend

We headed north for the Valentine's/Family Day weekend. The drive up was awesome, although a half hour before arrival, when I was starting to feel the need to use the 'facilities', a moment of panic overtook me. This was a maiden voyage ... a 3 hour drive with Cadence and no diaper! Luckily for all involved she handled it successfully! We are very fortunate so far with her ability to travel ... she'll nap a bit and then just enjoy the view ... not even one movie was needed for this trip!
We enjoyed hanging with Didi, who as always, was an exceptional host and got out to enjoy some adult time.
Here's the gang, enjoying a few beverages on a Saturday afternoon while playing Porketta Bingo, a favourite local past time:

And of course, since it WAS Family Day weekend and all, we made sure Cadence got to enjoy some 'activities' as well. She had a great time at John and Kelly's hanging with Liam and Taryn. She particularly enjoyed the sit and spin ... I think my girl is ready for the BIG rides this year!

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