Monday, May 18, 2009

Today was ALL about Cadence... afterall she is officially 2 and a half today! We started off our day with home made cinnamon buns and fresh raspberries and then we enjoyed a long semi hot shower. Afterwards we did some yard work ... the ‘whole family’ ... okay, so it wasn’t ALL about Cadence. We seeded the front lawn and began vacuuming the thousands of worms out of the pool ... fun huh?! Cadence did get a few breaks ... a bike ride, wagon ride and some baseball with dad, while mom carried on! Following our morning of hard labour we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the deck and then got ready for our ‘surprise trip’. As a rare occurence Cadence fell asleep 3 minutes prior to arrival at the zoo. The sight of the elands and giraffes in the distance were enough to perk her up though! This year we purchased season’s passes so we are good to go ANY time! Apparently Cadence’s favourite animal was the snake ...?
Our last stop was her favourite neighbourhood park. I just can't believe Cadence’s agility and fearlessness ... no toddler structure for this girl! She was up every climber to the top, yelling ‘stop’ at us every time we tried to just get close enough in case she lost her footing.
We had Cadence’s favourite meal for dinner: salmon and caesar salad and then it was off to bed time routine. I must say, she was out like a light within minutes!!!
She sure deserved today ... mommy's got another 'trip' Wednesday ... daddy on Thursday. We'll make it up to you pumpkin ... promise!
Only a few photos from the day ... didn't charge the battery! Enjoy the latest round of the BACK of Cadence's head! Sheesh!!!

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