Sunday, April 1, 2007

I'm no FOOL!

Well, today I have my feet firmly planted on the ground! Friday was a bit of a whirlwind that led to great excitement and a heightened emotional state. Besides the early rumours that the beginning of November seemed to be in, my cyber friend and future travel mate pointed out that our agency's web site has consistently shown referrals to go out prior to the May holiday in China ... meaning we could possibly have our referral in 3 weeks! This was overwhelming news and I ate it up ... along with a number of tissues ... 3 WEEKS ... wow!!! I have taken my fuzzy head out of the clouds and returned to the land of reality. First off, everything so far is RUMOUR ... that's all, nothing more! Second of all, if the next batch does go out by the end of April, I'm thinking it is realistic that the CCAA may do a VERY small batch ... let's remember, they once referred a batch of 5 days ... FIVE!!!
That would put us OUT! Bottom line, I still really know NOTHING! I will wait calmly for tomorrow's referrals and see what information they provide .... 'til then .........................


Anonymous said...

I didn't mean it as an April Fools joke. No Way!! I believe that there will be a batch and that it will be "normal" size. You wait and see. That is what I'm hoping for. If in fact the rumours are true and referrals come into early November that will be RQ's best case and I think we'll be next. Gee...I hope I'm not being a fool now. I've waited this long I want to say we're next and that we'll see our referral by April 27th. We'll you Ontario families will. :( Us NB'ers kind of get a little bit of a delay. I apologize if you think I was fooling you but you can talk to anyone here and I'm saying end of April/First of May we'll get our referral. Keep you fingers crossed!!!

~Kristen said...

I can't imagine the rollar coaster you are on right now.... I can't wait until tomorrow to see where it all stands!!!