While muddling around the desktop of my computer I came across the following piece written by Sean ...
Each year he introduces public speaking to his class by writing one of his own. This is an exerpt from this
year's ... I think he has a gift, what do you think???????
The Quest for Cadence by Sean Kearney
Somewhere in the north end of ******** a couple is in the process of
changing a chic guest room into a nursery. The fancy furniture and
decorations are giving way to a crib, a change table and a baby dresser.
The once empty closet is now being filled with clothes for all seasons and
toys for any possible interest. Paintings and other works of art are being
replaced with pictures of cartoon characters. Although there is a great deal
of excitement and anticipation the question still exists: Who is the
little girl who will live here?
Somewhere 4000 miles away in the rural provinces of China a baby lies
in a crib. Although she probably sleeps peacefully and is provided with the
necessities of life, she is deprived of having the one gift all of us are
entitled to, that being love. Each day babies, mostly girls are dropped off
at the doors of orphanages by women unable to care for them. Their
hope is that somebody either in their country or far away will give
them that gift.
Somewhere lies a little girl who is soon going to find herself leaving the orphanage
for that newly decorated nursery. That girls’ name is Cadence.
Good afternoon class, I wish I could bring in pictures or even the little
girl herself, but due to various complications in China I am unable to
provide this, but in the meantime I thought I’d tell you all about
the “Quest for Cadence”.
Note: There will be no cartoon characters in this nursery!!!!! Really!