Sunday, May 18, 2008

Long Weekend ... of Misery!

Well ... if you concentrate on the weather side of things that is! Although Friday was decent, yesterday and today were especially miserable! Poor Cadence ... we can now see how important getting out and enjoying the fresh air is for her ... and us! We were pretty well couped up in the house yesterday so today we ventured out ... it was quite pathetic really. Our main goal was to get some fresh seafood for dinner but since it was just about lunch time, we decided to treat Cadence to Wendy's ... there really was nothing better to do with a toddler on a rainy Sunday afternoon around here. To be honest, she didn't really enjoy it all that much so it was off to Johnny's for some salmon and crab rangoon. Fortunately I remembered the 'aquatic' store across the street ... that turned out to be our big event of the day. Cadence spent about half an hour checking out every fish tank imaginable. Actually, it was a good alternative and something she really enjoyed ... how sad! She is now down for a nap and the rain is continuing to teem down so ... I'm off to curl up with a good book, something I haven't done in quite a while!
And ... for those who may be keeping track ... Cadence is 18 months today ... a whole year and a half old!!!

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

Happy 18 months Cadence!!! It is funny how what the Mom thinks will be a hit, never is, but what you don't think they'll enjoy, they'll do for hours! Go figure!! It's raining here too. Boooo! And it's supposed to rain for most of the week. Plus we only have preschool one day. Mommy is going to be a little shack-whacky come Friday!!