Thursday, March 29, 2007

And so it begins .....

Rumours have begun ... finally! It has actually been a very quiet week up to this point. The current and fairly RELIABLE rumour is that referrals are in the air at this very moment. As to what the cutoff date is ... it's still anyone's guess really! There are some
crazy rumours of November 11 (which would mean US!), less optimistic ones of November 2nd or 3rd and conservative and most likely ones of October 31st. As much as I know in my heart we aren't ''IN", I can still feel my heart skip a beat to even see
it as a possibilty. If the referrals make it into early November, we can feel pretty confident that we are NEXT, if not, well .... that
could mean we will be on the edge of our seats next month wondering which side of the fence the ball will drop on! More news to come as it is divulged ... hopefully tomorrow or Monday...........


geminirn said...

WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!This is getting EXCITING!!!!!!Please please please let some on Nov. be included(keeping everything crossed here in NB)!!!!!!!!!

CB group 253

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for November too but I hope only up to the 9th. I know. I'm mean. But I'm not expecting a referral this time so I'm not mentally prepared yet. Yeah, after 16 months I should be but I'm not. I want to say "we're next!" with this next batch. I'm pulling for November 3rd. Any less than that I'll be on pins and needles all next month wondering if we made the cut off!!

I remember with the wait for Lucy being near a possible cut off (they were doing 6 weeks worth at a tme) and thinking maybe we'd get our referral but knowing it was unlikely. When we didn't get the referral I was still very disappointed. Maybe that's why I'm willing it to not reach us. I'm being a little guarded this time.

Still pulling for Mother's Day!!

~Kristen said...

On the edge of my seat!!