Thursday, March 8, 2007

This Time Last Year ....

As of 3:30 today, my holidays officially began! Usually I am running around, picking up last minute items ... sunscreen, books to read, trinkets for the maids ... but ... not this year! I thought I would be really down (guess that will come when I am faced with all the returning tans!) but I'm actually doing okay! I think I am more focused than ever about the big trip this summer ... the 'journey of a lifetime'! I have a lot of things to keep me busy this week and am managing to add a few leisure activities to the mix ... all work and no play is NOT for me! So ... here are a couple of shots from last year to remind me of ... the good old times!

Hmmm ... good thing we stayed put this year ... NO WAY I'dve been able to pull off a bathing suit this year!!!


Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say HELLO!!! :o) I just love the photographs. I can't believe how beautiful the ocean looks. I wish I was on a beach somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Blue sky, sunshine, warm weather...who needs it!! Well wait let me look out my window...hey I've got blue sky! I've got sunshine! I've got 20ÂșC weather! Oh wait...I forgot the " - " sign! Well 2 out of three ain't bad (or so the song goes!)